Is Microblading Right For You?
Microblading creates the most natural looking results with crispy hair-like strokes done with a blade type tool and pigment. This technique lasts 1-3 years without touchups. Contraindications for microblading are: mature skin, sun-damaged skin, use of blood thinning medication, keloiding condition, excessively oily skin/large pores.

Nano Strokes
Are Nano Strokes Right For You?
Nano strokes are similar to the microblading look but its done with a machine & single needle, like a tattoo. The strokes look feathery and natural, just not as crisp. This technique is a great alternative for those who aren't microblading candidates or those who want a longer lasting look. This technique is good for all skin types other than for skin with wrinkles IN the brows.